Trade Information Portal

This portal provides the latest available statistics on CAREC members’ trade in goods and services, investments, as well as information on requirements and official contact persons in government agencies. A work in progress, the ultimate objective is to be a source of comprehensive information on CAREC trade that could reduce search costs for businesses, aid policy analysis and coordination, and facilitate compliance with transparency and publication commitments under the WTO.

CAREC Trade At A Glance

CAREC goods exports reached $3652 billion in 2021; excluding the PRC, they were $136 billion. CAREC goods imports reached $2852 billion; excluding the PRC they were $167 billion.

Petroleum oils were the top export of CAREC excluding the PRC, valued at $34 billion. This is also the world’s top export.

Intra-regional CAREC trade was $104 billion; excluding the PRC, it was $13.5 billion.

CAREC services exports reached $299 billion in 2020; excluding the PRC, they were $18 billion. CAREC services imports were $411 billion; excluding the PRC they reached $30 billion.

In 2021, foreign direct investment outflows from CAREC totaled $37 billion; excluding the PRC, it was $1.7 billion. Foreign direct investment inflows into CAREC were $21 billion; excluding the PRC, it was $7 billion.

Intra-CAREC investment flows totaled $1.1 billion in 2021; excluding the PRC it was $163 million

Cumulative foreign direct investment outflows from CAREC from 2001 to 2021 totaled $1012 billion; excluding the PRC, it was $70 billion. Cumulative inflows into CAREC were $2529 billion; excluding the PRC it was $518 billion.

Cumulative intra-CAREC investment inflows from 2001 to 2021 reached $49 billion; excluding the PRC it was about $5.6 billion.

What's Inside

Regional Summary provides the value of imports and exports of goods and services, and foreign direct investment inflows and outflows of CAREC members. It also lists the top export products of CAREC as a whole.

Country Statistics provide the top exports and their main markets, top imports and their main sources, and main trading partners for goods; services exports and imports by type of service; and foreign direct investment inflows by source and outflows by destination country.

Trade Process provides the links to official country websites that contain information on the requirements and procedures of foreign trade.

Directory provides the names of the Appointed Representative of Country to the Regional Trade Group (RTG), Customs Cooperation Committee (CCC) Focal Person, and SPS Regional Working Group (RWG) members from each country.

Batumi Port in Georgia (photo by ADB)